Longevity Book Recommendations

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Title Author(s) Key Recommendations Public List
Ending Aging Aubrey de Grey Protein intake; omega-3 fatty acids; fisetin & quercetin; vitamins C & E; coQ10; L-carnitine, ALA; low sugar diet; curcumin & resveratrol; sulforaphane (broccoli); NAD+ precursors; spermidine View Recommendations
Lifespan David Sinclair Resveratrol; blueberries; peanuts; NAD+ precursors; IF; exercise; cold exposure View Recommendations
The Longevity Code Kris Verburgh Quercetin (apples, grapes, berries); fisetin (strawberries); resveratrol (grapes, berries) View Recommendations
Juvenescence Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi Fisetin and quercetin View Recommendations
The Longevity Diet Valter Longo Low-calorie, low-protein, low-carb, high-fat diet; plant-based diet with fish consumption; IF and time-restricted feeding View Recommendations
Time of Our Lives Tom Kirkwood Selenium; Vit C; Vit E; Omega-3; Resveratrol; coQ10; curcumin View Recommendations
The Youth Pill David Stipp IR; resveratrol; rapamycin; metformin; astragalus View Recommendations
A Means to an End William Clark Berries; dark chocolate; nuts; green tea; Vit C; Vit E; coQ10 View Recommendations
Blue Zones Dan Buettner Plant-based diet; moderate caloric intake ("80% full") View Recommendations
Transcend Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman Cruciferous vegetables; fruits high in antioxidants; water View Recommendations
Cracking the Aging Code Josh Mitteldorf and Dorion Sagan Moderate and varied exercise instead of intense; caloric restriction View Recommendations
Age Later Nir Barzilai Moderate alcohol and coffee consumption; caloric restriction; metformin View Recommendations