Welcome to DTS Airsoft

Experience the thrill of tactical gameplay with an elite team

About Us

DTS Airsoft is an elite airsoft team with a passion for high-octane action and strategic gameplay. Our team is composed of dedicated individuals who excel in teamwork and tactics.

Team Spirit

We value collaboration and support each other on and off the field.


Our members are trained to be accurate and efficient in their gameplay.


We emphasize tactical thinking and smart decision-making during matches.

Upcoming Events

MAR 15

Tactical Tournament 2024

Join us for a day of strategic play and teamwork.

APR 22

Operation Freedom

A full-scale airsoft operation spread over 30 acres.

MAY 06

Soldier Skills Workshop

Hone your airsoft skills with former military specialists.

Contact Us

[email protected]

(555) 123-4567

123 Airsoft Lane, Tactical City, TC 12345