Telegram Tip Bot

Tip with Crypto on Telegram

Open Telegram Bot


Easy tipping in Telegram chats

Send and receive WebDollar cryptocurrency directly in Telegram chats with ease.

Instant transactions with no fees

Enjoy real-time transactions without any additional fees for the ultimate convenience.

Open source and community-driven

Contribute to the development or review the code freely, thanks to open-source technology.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

Source Code & Docker Image

Check out the source code on GitHub.

Get the Docker image at Docker Hub.


/help - Shows the help message
/game - Play a game
/rain - Tip the users active on the channel
/tip - Tip the user with the specified amount
/tipbalance - Shows your balance
/wallet - Shows your WebDollar wallet for deposits and withdrawals
/setwallet - Set the WebDollar wallet that you are using for deposits and withdrawals
/deposit - Deposit funds to your account from the wallet you set
/withdraw - Withdraw funds from your account to the wallet you set or a WebDollar address
/transactions - Shows the transactions for your account
/fees - Shows the fees
/price - Shows the price and volume for WebDollar
/staking - Shows the staking rewards received
/scoreboard - Top 10 tippers (only public tips are counted)
/tutorial - How to use WebDollar in the browser
/lottery - Shows information about the current round
/lotterytickets - Shows the tickets for the current round
/lotterydeposit - Move funds to lottery balance
/lotterywithdraw - Move funds to balance
/lotteryfaq - Most common questions about the lottery
/lotteryhistory - Shows the last 10 rounds